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Class org.dorm4.fls.Library


public class Library
extends UnicastRemoteObject
implements IRemoteLibrary, ILibraryConstants
Library class interfaces to a JDBC database and provides a set of objects to represent items and borrowers.

Constructor Index

 o Library(OutputStream, Connection, IKey, Registry)

Method Index

 o add(StdLibraryObject)
Adds the object to the database
 o addListener(ILibraryListener)
Adds a listener to the Library.
 o createLibraryObject(String)
Creates a new library object for this id, but doesn't make a database record
 o find(StdLibraryObject, Vector)
Does a lookup in all fields for the specified text and returns the hits as a Vector of the itemType.
 o find(StdLibraryObject, Vector, Vector, Vector)
Does a lookup in the specified fields for the specified text and returns the hits as a Vector of the itemType.
 o findID(Vector, Vector)
Does a lookup in all fields for the specified text and returns the hits as a Vector of ids.
 o findID(Vector, Vector, Vector, Vector)
Does a lookup in the specified fields for the specified text and returns the hits as a Vector of ids.
 o getAltName()
Gives the alternate name of this library
 o getBorrower(Item)
Checks if the item is on loan and if so returns the Borrower, otherwise null.
 o getDueDate(Item)
Checks if the item is on loan and if so returns the due date, otherwise null.
 o getLibraryObject(String)
Gets a StdLibraryObject in the database.
 o getLoanPeriod(Item)
Gets the default loan period for this item.
 o getLoans(Borrower)
Gets the Items this Borrower has on loan.
 o getName()
Gives the name of this library
 o getRegisteredTypes()
Gets an array of classes for all registered types
 o goOffline()
When called, the Library will unregister itself with the RMI registry and notify all listeners.
 o goOnline()
When called, the Library will register itself with the RMI registry and notify all listeners.
 o loanTo(Item, Borrower, Date)
Adds a record to the loans table in the database.
 o receive(Item)
Checks if the book is overdue then removes the loan record from the database.
 o remove(StdLibraryObject)
Removes the object from the database
 o removeListener(ILibraryListener)
Removes a listener from the Library.
 o renumber(StdLibraryObject, String)
Gives the object a new number in the database
 o setConnection(Connection)
Sets the database connection.
 o update(StdLibraryObject)
Updates the object in the database
 o validate(StdLibraryObject)
Verifies that the object is in the database and sets its properties to the values in the database.


 o Library
 public Library(OutputStream out,
                Connection con,
                IKey idKey,
                Registry registry) throws RemoteException
out - The OutputStream that log messages are sent to.
con - The connection to the database.
idKey - The key to be used to verify the ids.
registry - The registry where this library can lookup other libraries


 o addListener
 public void addListener(ILibraryListener listener)
Adds a listener to the Library.

 o removeListener
 public void removeListener(ILibraryListener listener)
Removes a listener from the Library.

 o goOnline
 public void goOnline()
When called, the Library will register itself with the RMI registry and notify all listeners.

 o goOffline
 public void goOffline()
When called, the Library will unregister itself with the RMI registry and notify all listeners.

 o setConnection
 public void setConnection(Connection con)
Sets the database connection.

 o getName
 public String getName()
Gives the name of this library

 o getAltName
 public String getAltName()
Gives the alternate name of this library

 o getRegisteredTypes
 public Class[] getRegisteredTypes() throws RemoteException
Gets an array of classes for all registered types

 o findID
 public Vector findID(Vector tables,
                      Vector includeStrings) throws IllegalArgumentException, RemoteException
Does a lookup in all fields for the specified text and returns the hits as a Vector of ids.

tables - Names of tables to search.
includeStrings - Strings that must be included in the results.
A Vector of ids as String objects.
 o findID
 public Vector findID(Vector tables,
                      Vector includeStrings,
                      Vector excludeStrings,
                      Vector searchFields) throws IllegalArgumentException, RemoteException
Does a lookup in the specified fields for the specified text and returns the hits as a Vector of ids.

tables - StdLibraryObjects.
includeStrings - Strings that must be included in the results.
excludeStrings - Strings that must not be included in the results.
searchFields - Fields to be searched.
A Vector of ids as String objects.
 o find
 public Vector find(StdLibraryObject itemType,
                    Vector includeStrings) throws IllegalArgumentException, RemoteException
Does a lookup in all fields for the specified text and returns the hits as a Vector of the itemType.

itemType - Child of StdLibraryObject.
includeStrings - Strings that must be included in the results.
A Vector of ids as String objects.
 o find
 public Vector find(StdLibraryObject itemType,
                    Vector includeStrings,
                    Vector excludeStrings,
                    Vector searchFields) throws IllegalArgumentException, RemoteException
Does a lookup in the specified fields for the specified text and returns the hits as a Vector of the itemType.

itemType - Child of StdLibraryObject.
includeStrings - Strings that must be included in the results.
excludeStrings - Strings that must not be included in the results.
searchFields - Fields to be searched.
A Vector of ids as String objects.
 o getLibraryObject
 public StdLibraryObject getLibraryObject(String id) throws RemoteException
Gets a StdLibraryObject in the database. Returns null if it can't be found.

 o createLibraryObject
 public StdLibraryObject createLibraryObject(String id) throws CannotAllowException, RemoteException
Creates a new library object for this id, but doesn't make a database record

Throws: CannotAllowException
Thrown if access is denied.
 o add
 public void add(StdLibraryObject obj) throws CannotAllowException, RemoteException
Adds the object to the database

obj - The object to be added
Returns true if the method succeeded, false otherwise.
Throws: CannotAllowException
Thrown if access is denied.
 o remove
 public void remove(StdLibraryObject obj) throws CannotAllowException, RecordNotFoundException, RemoteException
Removes the object from the database

obj - The object to be removed
Returns true if the method succeeded, false otherwise.
Throws: CannotAllowException
Thrown if access is denied.
Throws: RecordNotFoundException
Thrown if the object isn't in the database.
 o update
 public void update(StdLibraryObject obj) throws CannotAllowException, RecordNotFoundException, RemoteException
Updates the object in the database

obj - The object to be update
Returns true if the method succeeded, false otherwise.
Throws: CannotAllowException
Thrown if access is denied.
Throws: RecordNotFoundException
Thrown if the object isn't in the database.
 o renumber
 public void renumber(StdLibraryObject obj,
                      String newid) throws CannotAllowException, RecordNotFoundException, RemoteException
Gives the object a new number in the database

obj - The object to be update
newid - The new id for the object
Returns true if the method succeeded, false otherwise.
Throws: CannotAllowException
Thrown if access is denied.
Throws: RecordNotFoundException
Thrown if the object isn't in the database.
 o validate
 public StdLibraryObject validate(StdLibraryObject obj) throws RecordNotFoundException, RemoteException
Verifies that the object is in the database and sets its properties to the values in the database.

Throws: RecordNotFoundException
Thrown if the object isn't in the database.
 o loanTo
 public void loanTo(Item item,
                    Borrower borrower,
                    Date dueDate) throws CannotAllowException, RecordNotFoundException, RemoteException
Adds a record to the loans table in the database.

item - The item to be checked out.
borrower - The person checking the item out.
dueDate - The date the item is due.
Throws: CannotAllowException
Thrown if the item is already checked out or if the borrower doesn't have permission.
Throws: RecordNotFoundException
Thrown if the item or borrower is not valid
Throws: RuntimeException
Thrown if the item and borrower objects do not match their database records
 o receive
 public Borrower receive(Item item) throws OverdueException, RecordNotFoundException, RemoteException
Checks if the book is overdue then removes the loan record from the database.

item - The item to be received.
The Borrower the item is on loan to or null if it's not on loan.
Throws: OverdueException
Thrown if the book is overdue.
Throws: RecordNotFoundException
Thrown if the borrower is not valid
Throws: RuntimeException
Thrown if the item object does not match its database record
 o getDueDate
 public Date getDueDate(Item item) throws RemoteException
Checks if the item is on loan and if so returns the due date, otherwise null.

The due date of the item on loan or null if it's not on loan.
Throws: RuntimeException
Thrown if the item object does not match its database record
 o getLoanPeriod
 public int getLoanPeriod(Item item) throws RemoteException
Gets the default loan period for this item.

The default loan period in days or 0 if there is none.
 o getBorrower
 public Borrower getBorrower(Item item) throws RemoteException
Checks if the item is on loan and if so returns the Borrower, otherwise null.

The Borrower of the item on loan or null if it's not on loan.
 o getLoans
 public Vector getLoans(Borrower borrower) throws RemoteException
Gets the Items this Borrower has on loan.

The Borrower of the item on loan or null if it's not on loan.

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